Combat Update Notes
For those that don’t know me, my name is bronstahd (Garrett Fern), and I’m a combat and gameplay designer working on H1Z1: King of the Kill. Tomorrow we are releasing an update we’ve internally termed “the combat update” which is the result of a focused push toward improving combat and related gameplay systems. I wanted to spend some time talking about several of these changes in greater detail to give some insight into what’s changed and why we’re excited about this update’s release.
We’ve continued working to improve the consistency of the shotgun. Our goal is that the shotgun should be a powerful, up close threat. This update further tightens the shotgun’s spread of fire, making it more powerful up close. In addition, the shotgun’s damage will fall off over distance, so it isn’t too powerful at range. The feedback we’ve seen has been positive so far, so we’re really looking forward to seeing these changes on the live servers.
Cone of Fire
Recently, we added Cone of Fire adjustments based on your character's movement state. We did this because, put simply, guns were performing far too accurately when running and jumping. Philosophically, our belief has always been that aiming down sight should be the most accurate method of aiming; this change made sure that's the case.
However, it was also possible to aim down sight while jumping, which also allowed for tremendous accuracy in a way that didn't make sense. This update addresses that issue by preventing ADS while jumping or falling. This has also allowed us to ease up on some previous combat restrictions around movement and it will now be possible to shoot and ADS directly from sprint. You'll no longer have to wait for your character to slow down and suffer a delay when trying to shoot.
General Weapon Polish
This update also contains a lot of general weapon polish. In no particular order, here's what you should expect to see:
We've been internally testing a faster fire rate for the AK-47 which we'll be rolling out with this update. Here's what you should expect to see:
We think this change will create nice some trade-offs between the weapons and make the AK-47 a compelling choice once again.
Damage Log
We believe that when a player dies it should be very clear to them what killed them. That’s not always the case currently. As a first step towards remedying this, we’ve added a damage log to the death screen that will display how much damage the attack that killed you did and whether or not it was a headshot. Moving forward, the plan is to re-work the death screen so we can display even more information about cause of death.
Body Armor
We've also made some changes to the way Armor works that should improve the reliability of body armor:
Hit Reactions
Hit reaction animations would cause the other character's head moved, often preventing a quick follow-up shot from registering as a headshot when it should. Other characters will no longer flinch out of the way when shot.
Camera & Reticle Improvements
In some cases, it was possible for one player to have clear line of sight on another player, due to the camera being offset above their head, while actually being obscured from the other player’s view. We felt this would be unfair, and in these cases (generally, when your character is very close to medium-height cover) projectiles will still originate from the weapon model. We’ve added feedback to the reticle to make it clear when this is happening.
Select a respawn region upon death: Now upon death, you'll be presented with a spawn selection interface. From this interface you'll choose a grid square to respawn within. Your actual location will be random within chosen grid.
Vehicle Anti-Hoarding measures:
In an effort to combat vehicle hoarding and to give more players an opportunity to obtain a vehicle we’ve made the following changes. The changes are intended to make vehicles a little more transitional so that you can find one, use it up, and then more easily find another one.
That’s our first pass at the solution. We will now observe and make adjustments as necessary.
Nomad server
This is a new ruleset in which you cannot build bases in the world. We will be standing up two US worlds and two EU worlds initially.
Interaction Responsiveness
We’ve long had problems with delays in picking up items. It isn’t really a combat related thing, but it was a big enough deal that we wanted to pursue a fix for this update. The time it takes to pick up items, open doors, and perform other interactions has been greatly improved and is now nearly instantaneous.
Additional Patch Notes: