These are the patch notes for the current Test Server build. Hammer on these updates and let us know of any issues by listing them in this thread.
- Footwear has been added to the Battle Royale spawns.
- Male and Female character models now have alternate head models to choose from
- Zombies now respond to all acoustic signatures including: ethanol/bio fuel explosions, grenades/molotovs, red hazard barrel explosions, landmines/IEDs, vehicle explosions
- Potential fix for bows getting stuck in ironsights
- Arrows fired from a recurve bow and crossbow now properly bounce off materials they are not meant to stick in, such as metal or stone.
- Molotovs now properly set players and NPCs on fire. This effect will last for a few seconds when outside of the fire.
- Grenade/Molotov explosions should be more responsive now on high pop servers.
- Battle Royale: Arrow bundles will now spawn near the crossbow
- Lip sync mouth movement to voice chat
- Vehicles: Occupants will be able to shoot from within vehicles. Currently it’s only the passengers who can shoot from within the car. The player in the driver seat cannot. Occupants can now be hit from people outside the vehicle.
- Boots now have a small resistance to punji stick damage
- Crossbows and recurve bows can now be repaired with repair kits.
- Fixed issue where character doesn't appear in BR chute